Sunday, September 19, 2010

Economic Armageddon 2012 The Perfect Storm

Jer 12:5
5 "If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan?

The stage is being set. 1. We need a one world government. 2. We need a one world leader. 3. We need a one world money system. The whole world is clambering for the answer and the god of this world will give it.

God had Israel's provision planned during the time of famine in the days of Joseph. God sent Joseph ahead to store up natural provision during the time of plenty, but when the lean times came they ate up all that provision. If it had not been for God's divine foresight in leading Joseph to Egypt then Israel might have died during the famine, as it was mentioned many times in the passages in Genesis. It is hard for people to plan for drought in times of plenty and when famine comes where is the ability to save and store away? Long gone after the times of plenty. It is hard for us to see what is before us when it is not effecting us yet. When we have never in our lives experienced want and need in our lifetimes. We have been vaccinated (by prosperity) against all warnings, and are totally immune to the call of God to prepare.

If we cannot keep up with the footmen, how can we run with the horses? If we can barely make ends meet during the times of plenty, how will we ever survive during the times of calamity? Most American's are one pay check from the edge, but they still drive their new car payments, spend 10% more every month than they earn, live with their credit cards maxed out, like the American government thinking there is no payday for our foolish spending attitudes of debt and over consumption.

If that were not enough, our entire economic system is built upon a depleting supply of oil. Some day there will only be enough oil for the rich and those of us who could not see the handwriting on the wall, or at least discern the times are destined to be without oil and gas priced out of our reach. Every great civiliztion in history has failed. Not one has continued in their greatness. Not one! How is it we cannot understand that too applies to us? Are we some how different? Ever fiat currency in the history of the world has failed, is ours different? Will we never run out of oil? Will we never have to pay for the debts we are heaping? Will the world continue to believe in our fiat money when there are Americans themselves that do not believe? The only thing at this time keeping the fiat dollar afloat is the fear other countries have in the connection of their fiat (worthless paper money) to our fiat money. If the US goes down so will the world in the perfect storm for the rise of a new world economy!

Never have we been at this place in time before. No one has ever been here before us to tell us what to do to prepare. The blind guides leading this Nation are looking backwards to predict the future, as are most Americans. Oh, the US has always been prosperous and the government has always provided in the past so I base my future on the past. Foolishness! If the blind lead the blind they both fall in the ditch!

Well, I don't! I base my future on Jesus. I know this world stage is being set for a takeover. I know this world economy will crumble before the new "Beast System". My only question to Jesus is how do I prepare? What do you want me to do about the future? What is the wisest thing I can do now to prepare for uncertainty? You too must ask these questions. If it all unravels while I am here where do I need to be? What does my life need to look like? What have I put aside for the day of testing to come upon the whole earth?

Be blessed Billy and Jan

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Survial Preparedness

Good Morning Billy,

Great email and great information. Since Linda and I have lived on ranches oftentimes in the sticks, I thought I might mention a few things to help your readers. And the following is some things we have considered and have in place to different degrees.

1. We need air and can't live for more than a few moments without it.
2. We need water for all kinds of things and depending on temperature and your health, we can only live between half a day in extreme heat to a full week without it, if it is cool and very light activity.
3. Most healthy people can live nearly a month without food if you do not work too hard.

Some additional suggestions...

In a disaster, remember, you have emergency water in a number of places that is safe to drink. You may not like it, but it should be safe. One's toilet tank has several gallons of water. Then, there is our hot water heater that will have thirty to fifty gallons of water in it. Talk to a handyman or plumber on how to get it out without being burned. It is usually easy. Consider water purification tablets you can find at Academy or household bleach in the right levels to purify questionable water. Experts will usually say, never drink sea water or urine, even in an emergency.

Medicine. Be sure to have necessary amounts of certain drugs you need to live if you have heart or other serious issues. Have extra amounts on hand. Tell your doctor you intend to travel to help with your prescription.

Flashlight. Have extra flashlights with extra batteries on hand, buy them NOW. Most batteries now last half a dozen years, you will always use them.

Have some basic tools, you will always use them. Locate them NOW.

Keep your car always topped off with fuel, never below a half a tank. Make this a way of life.

Think about buying some little GMRS handi-talkies. These are very common. This may be your only link to others if phones and cell phones go out. These are great for staying in touch with family, and others, within a half a mile.

Food. As Billy says, buy an amount of food your are comfortable with, not junk, but healthful food. Rotate your stock. Remember, the more you eat, the more water you need. The hotter it is, the more water you need. The harder you work, the more water you need, and we may be walking much more in an emergency.

Of course, have cash on hand, as Billy says. So few people have more than a few bucks around, but a pocket full of cards. Using cash is a better way of life, anyway. Helps save money in the long run. Try it.

Personal Protection. Consider personal protection that you are comfortable with. If you choose to buy a firearm, KNOW THE LAW and get some form of training. Anything is better than nothing.

LASTLY, do this exercise soon, you will be amazed how well it works, how much fun you will have and how much you will learn. Go to your breaker box and turn off all the breakers to your house for 24 or more hours. Have pen and plenty of paper in hand and start taking notes and more notes of what you need.

Regards, Carl

Some Q & A

On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 10:39 PM, Suzanne Dollar <> wrote:

When he says “get liquid”, does that mean cash or can you have money in a money market and it be okay?

This man is warning of having money in the stock market. He is saying get your money out of the stock market, it is going to crash/ (go down to a 1:1 gold/dow ratio, this last thought is me. In other words if gold is $2,500 the dow will be $2500 at its lowest correction. 1/1).

Another question: It seems if the stock market goes down, and the dollar is worth are our liquidated dollars of great help?

If the USD (dollar) crashes then the worst place to have money is USD or the stock market. If the USD and the stock market crash, or tank or bottom out, 1oz of Gold will still be 1oz of Gold and 1oz of Silver will still be 1oz of silver. Remember the US use to use a silver dollar as money?

How about tangible things like real estate? Is that as good as cash or gold?

Real assets are as good as gold and silver. According to the "survivalist" investing in things that we might need to live in an emergency would be as good as money to barter with: i.e. gloves, plastic buckets, canned foods (will last 7 years), bullets, weapons, and that is whole other story!

Another question: Why is getting out of debt important…Soapy and I are not in debt except a mortgage,… but how does that figure into the equation? If one owes a monthly mortgage, that monthly mortgage will not increase, even if the dollar is worth "nothing", right? Unless it's an ARM loan.

Debt is your worst enemy. What if you have no $ to pay with. If you can't work, no one will pay you for your services with money they don't have either. If you lose your job and cannot work (earn new dollars) then how can you make payments on anything? In the Great Depression there were always rich and poor. Those that lost their jobs and could not pay for what they owed, lost it. If you are unable to make payments on the things you owe, you will lose them, and that is why debt is your enemy. Most Americans owe on everything they own. i.e. house, cars, furniture, credit cards,etc. Who do you know that is really debt free? Anyone?

Just curious about these things...not trying to play Devil's advocate, but seriously trying to understand logically.

You ask good question and it proves to me you are listening. I remember when at our house meetings I shared my thoughts about gold and silver and our banker friend told me," Forget gold and silver and invest in Euros." Hmmm....what is he investing in now?

Soapy has always accused me of being TOO inquisitive.

My regards to blessed BW

Saturday, May 22, 2010

How to Prepare for the collapse, or whatever

People have asked me how do I prepare? Imagine no electricity for 72 hrs. That means no purchase at the grocery store, no electric scanner, no debit cards, no gasoline. The first step to being prepared for a disaster would be to be able to live for 72 hours without electricity or water. Do you have 72 hours of water, food and money stored up? If you could not use your bank card and no banks open and no one cashing checks, do you have enough on hand cash to get your through the 1st 72 hrs? Remember Katrina, no help for 72 hours. Remember Haiti, no help for 72 hrs. Remember if the phone system is out, you can't call 911 and even if you could, would they respond to your need? Remember Katrina, people calling 911 from their roof tops while the cops were quitting and going to their own homes. During Katrina only the gangs had guns and they went to work getting (stealing) what ever they wanted, while the cops were taking legal guns from legal homeowners! If you are trusting 911 to help you during the first 72 hours of an emergency, remember so are all the rest of the sheepeople!

If the grocery shelves are empty what will you eat? Being prepared for an emergency is like taking baby steps. One small step at a time. 1st prepare for a 72 hours emergency. Then prepare for 7 days emergency, and then prepare for a one month emergency and then prepare for a one year emergency.

And if nothing ever happens, eat your food, drink your water and spend the money you saved... LOL BW

Silver prices going up and down

Celente has 80% of his savings in gold. The best time is anytime to buy and hold. It is a safe refuge from the collapse of the dollar, stock market, euro and your money market account. Dollars going up and down, and ounce of silver/gold has been just the same for 6,000 years. It doesn't move, it is still an ounce. What is going up and down is the paper dollar. When you see that, then you will see...

I am buy older US minted 90% silver coins because I buy them at spot price of silver and NO premium. Thus I am buying at actual spot price of silver, where as all 100% silver coins have a premium added, so spot cost plus the premium.

How to Prepare

Yes we are still buying silver. I bought about $1500 worth in the last couple of weeks. I am trying something new that I have not done before. I am buying silver off ebay and am buying 90% silver us coins. example: Mercury Dimes 50@ for $64.00. This is the only way I have found to buy silver at spot, without the $2 they add for the cost of minting the coin. I have 3 lots of 100 @ that I am currently bidding on right now. Go to this website and see what is the melt value of each coin at "today's" silver spot prices, (it changes everyday, so bookmark this site). I am buying 90% silver coins at their melt price of spot silver! By far the cheapest way to own silver. Click on this link:

You know what to bid buy comparing the current melt price of the coin each day. example 100 mercury dimes this morning were worth $1.28 each spot melt value. So I am bidding $128 and pay the shipping if I win.

Now if that is not your cup of tea, then you can buy from for the best price, and 10% bars with a 79 cent per oz mark up is about the best. So you are paying spot plus 79 cents/oz.

See this video for more info on 90% silver american coins.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Elisa's Bday 2010

Little Man

Shawn's Bday
Lubbock Snow 2009

Happy Bday Elisa !



Eric and Angie

Eric and Angie

Peterson Girls

Ashley and Breanna

Jan and Billy

Emily and Danielle


Happy Bday!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010 ! A New Year!

Wanted to wish everyone a very happy new year, 2010. Who would have ever thought we would reach this time in history. When I was 23 in 1973, I was sure the Lord was coming back any minute and yet He has delayed is coming an additional 37 years, so now our grandchildren, and perhaps their children will be able to enter His Kingdom. What exciting times we live in. Of course for those of our friends and loved ones who have fallen asleep during these last 37 years, their journey ended and for them He did come! In other words He comes for everyone in their own life time. How amazing is that? Each generation thinking He is coming in their lifetime and they each are right. We live our lives and then fall asleep and then awake to see Jesus (YVHV) all in our lifetime.

My prayer for all my family in 2010 is that the Lord Jesus blesses you with all spiritual blessings and in health and healing, the children's bread, through out all this year. That you may have Him on your mind, thinking often of Him and calling upon His name in true spiritual worship. That you may be free from all "deceits" of so called religion, and know Jesus in Spirit and Truth and serve Him from the inward man, with a clear conscience everyday. That you keep your lives and minds unspotted from the love of the world system and that you trust Him alone as your true Saviour. That in 2010 Jesus is your best friend that sicks closer than any brother or sister you have ever had. That you will not allow the enemy to corrupt your mind or to disqualify you from the race. That you would teach your children to know Him, and make it your personal ministry to make sure your influnce in life is to point your loved ones to Jesus. We parents were given the commission to train up our children, to make God real in life, to teach the His ways, laws and true worship. When your children think of you, I pray they remember you as that "salty" influence everyday and in everyway for them to thrist and hunger for the things of God.

None of us knows if we will fall asleep this year, 2010, only to awake in the New Kingdom, but each of us knows there is that possiblity. We should live everyday of this year, as it could be our last. If this were the last year you had to be in influnce or help how would that change your life and your relations to your loved ones? What would you do different if you knew this this was the last year of mortal life for you? Would your life and values change? IF so, then you are not living for God as your should daily! I can truly say, if this were my last year, I would live my life just as I am, in good conscience for God, pointing every person I can to know Him and to love and worship Him in spirit and truth.

My prayer of blessing upon each of you is: Live your life's to reflect the glory of the God living inside of you.

Be blessed my family.
