Sunday, May 30, 2010

Survial Preparedness

Good Morning Billy,

Great email and great information. Since Linda and I have lived on ranches oftentimes in the sticks, I thought I might mention a few things to help your readers. And the following is some things we have considered and have in place to different degrees.

1. We need air and can't live for more than a few moments without it.
2. We need water for all kinds of things and depending on temperature and your health, we can only live between half a day in extreme heat to a full week without it, if it is cool and very light activity.
3. Most healthy people can live nearly a month without food if you do not work too hard.

Some additional suggestions...

In a disaster, remember, you have emergency water in a number of places that is safe to drink. You may not like it, but it should be safe. One's toilet tank has several gallons of water. Then, there is our hot water heater that will have thirty to fifty gallons of water in it. Talk to a handyman or plumber on how to get it out without being burned. It is usually easy. Consider water purification tablets you can find at Academy or household bleach in the right levels to purify questionable water. Experts will usually say, never drink sea water or urine, even in an emergency.

Medicine. Be sure to have necessary amounts of certain drugs you need to live if you have heart or other serious issues. Have extra amounts on hand. Tell your doctor you intend to travel to help with your prescription.

Flashlight. Have extra flashlights with extra batteries on hand, buy them NOW. Most batteries now last half a dozen years, you will always use them.

Have some basic tools, you will always use them. Locate them NOW.

Keep your car always topped off with fuel, never below a half a tank. Make this a way of life.

Think about buying some little GMRS handi-talkies. These are very common. This may be your only link to others if phones and cell phones go out. These are great for staying in touch with family, and others, within a half a mile.

Food. As Billy says, buy an amount of food your are comfortable with, not junk, but healthful food. Rotate your stock. Remember, the more you eat, the more water you need. The hotter it is, the more water you need. The harder you work, the more water you need, and we may be walking much more in an emergency.

Of course, have cash on hand, as Billy says. So few people have more than a few bucks around, but a pocket full of cards. Using cash is a better way of life, anyway. Helps save money in the long run. Try it.

Personal Protection. Consider personal protection that you are comfortable with. If you choose to buy a firearm, KNOW THE LAW and get some form of training. Anything is better than nothing.

LASTLY, do this exercise soon, you will be amazed how well it works, how much fun you will have and how much you will learn. Go to your breaker box and turn off all the breakers to your house for 24 or more hours. Have pen and plenty of paper in hand and start taking notes and more notes of what you need.

Regards, Carl

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