Sunday, May 30, 2010

Some Q & A

On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 10:39 PM, Suzanne Dollar <> wrote:

When he says “get liquid”, does that mean cash or can you have money in a money market and it be okay?

This man is warning of having money in the stock market. He is saying get your money out of the stock market, it is going to crash/ (go down to a 1:1 gold/dow ratio, this last thought is me. In other words if gold is $2,500 the dow will be $2500 at its lowest correction. 1/1).

Another question: It seems if the stock market goes down, and the dollar is worth are our liquidated dollars of great help?

If the USD (dollar) crashes then the worst place to have money is USD or the stock market. If the USD and the stock market crash, or tank or bottom out, 1oz of Gold will still be 1oz of Gold and 1oz of Silver will still be 1oz of silver. Remember the US use to use a silver dollar as money?

How about tangible things like real estate? Is that as good as cash or gold?

Real assets are as good as gold and silver. According to the "survivalist" investing in things that we might need to live in an emergency would be as good as money to barter with: i.e. gloves, plastic buckets, canned foods (will last 7 years), bullets, weapons, and that is whole other story!

Another question: Why is getting out of debt important…Soapy and I are not in debt except a mortgage,… but how does that figure into the equation? If one owes a monthly mortgage, that monthly mortgage will not increase, even if the dollar is worth "nothing", right? Unless it's an ARM loan.

Debt is your worst enemy. What if you have no $ to pay with. If you can't work, no one will pay you for your services with money they don't have either. If you lose your job and cannot work (earn new dollars) then how can you make payments on anything? In the Great Depression there were always rich and poor. Those that lost their jobs and could not pay for what they owed, lost it. If you are unable to make payments on the things you owe, you will lose them, and that is why debt is your enemy. Most Americans owe on everything they own. i.e. house, cars, furniture, credit cards,etc. Who do you know that is really debt free? Anyone?

Just curious about these things...not trying to play Devil's advocate, but seriously trying to understand logically.

You ask good question and it proves to me you are listening. I remember when at our house meetings I shared my thoughts about gold and silver and our banker friend told me," Forget gold and silver and invest in Euros." Hmmm....what is he investing in now?

Soapy has always accused me of being TOO inquisitive.

My regards to blessed BW

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