Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010 ! A New Year!

Wanted to wish everyone a very happy new year, 2010. Who would have ever thought we would reach this time in history. When I was 23 in 1973, I was sure the Lord was coming back any minute and yet He has delayed is coming an additional 37 years, so now our grandchildren, and perhaps their children will be able to enter His Kingdom. What exciting times we live in. Of course for those of our friends and loved ones who have fallen asleep during these last 37 years, their journey ended and for them He did come! In other words He comes for everyone in their own life time. How amazing is that? Each generation thinking He is coming in their lifetime and they each are right. We live our lives and then fall asleep and then awake to see Jesus (YVHV) all in our lifetime.

My prayer for all my family in 2010 is that the Lord Jesus blesses you with all spiritual blessings and in health and healing, the children's bread, through out all this year. That you may have Him on your mind, thinking often of Him and calling upon His name in true spiritual worship. That you may be free from all "deceits" of so called religion, and know Jesus in Spirit and Truth and serve Him from the inward man, with a clear conscience everyday. That you keep your lives and minds unspotted from the love of the world system and that you trust Him alone as your true Saviour. That in 2010 Jesus is your best friend that sicks closer than any brother or sister you have ever had. That you will not allow the enemy to corrupt your mind or to disqualify you from the race. That you would teach your children to know Him, and make it your personal ministry to make sure your influnce in life is to point your loved ones to Jesus. We parents were given the commission to train up our children, to make God real in life, to teach the His ways, laws and true worship. When your children think of you, I pray they remember you as that "salty" influence everyday and in everyway for them to thrist and hunger for the things of God.

None of us knows if we will fall asleep this year, 2010, only to awake in the New Kingdom, but each of us knows there is that possiblity. We should live everyday of this year, as it could be our last. If this were the last year you had to be in influnce or help how would that change your life and your relations to your loved ones? What would you do different if you knew this this was the last year of mortal life for you? Would your life and values change? IF so, then you are not living for God as your should daily! I can truly say, if this were my last year, I would live my life just as I am, in good conscience for God, pointing every person I can to know Him and to love and worship Him in spirit and truth.

My prayer of blessing upon each of you is: Live your life's to reflect the glory of the God living inside of you.

Be blessed my family.


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